PHPProUSA - PHP Developer

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(734) 748-1109 | Skype: phpprousa

The Risks of Hiring a Developer . . .

At least 10 times a year I get contacted by someone who has started a project and then either fired the developer -OR- the developer has gone AWOL.

These "rescue" projects are normally in very bad shape, sometimes I will politely decline to take these on as the current state of the project is so bad I don't want to end up inheriting a failure. Or I will help the client start-over, which we try to avoid, but sometimes it doesn't make sense to continue down the current path.

Over the years I've hired more than 20 developers in my business. And I can honestly say there are 2 of them I'd like to work with again. So while it may seem prudent to hire a developer for $10/hour in a country far far away, I'd caution you to consider the following:

Read my Client Feeback »

If you aren't sure you've got the right developer, contact me.

It's never cheaper and never faster to do this twice (or more!).

Want to Discuss Your Project?

You can email me or complete this quick form with more information on your project and I'll contact you within 24 hours.

Mark Morton is an Expert PHP Developer Based in Canton, Michigan, USA

(734) 748-1109 | | Skype: phpprousa

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